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Huawei Probleme

Verfasst: So Nov 27, 2022 12:36 pm
von evchab
openWB series2 custom

nach dem ich meine PV Anlage erweitert habe 2. WR und Speicher war ich wieder mal am Setup und habe folgende Probleme festgestellt

Huawei EVU
welche Werte werden hier vom Zähler übernommen?
Bildschirmfoto 2022-11-27 um 12.30.18.png

wollte die Zählerstände über MQTT weiterverwenden (Loxone) die Werte sind exorbitant falsch und lassen sich wg out of range nicht verwenden - wo kommen diese Werte her?

anbei die Werte aus dem Zähler
Bildschirmfoto 2022-11-27 um 13.24.50.png
habe dann alle zusätzlichen Setups WR2, Speicher wieder entfernt - Regelverhalten auf sehr langsam gestellt

bekomme folgende Fehlermeldungen

Code: Alles auswählen

2022-11-27 13:33:32: PID: 23602: **** Regulation loop start **** (LV1) at 70 main /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:31: PID: 2370: soc.modules.common.component_context: Update Komponente ['Huawei Zähler']
2022-11-27 13:33:31: PID: 2370: modules.huawei.device: Start device reading {'componentcounter': <modules.huawei.counter.HuaweiCounter object at 0x7457aa70>, 'componentinverter': <modules.huawei.inverter.HuaweiInverter object at 0x74412210>}
2022-11-27 13:33:31: PID: 2370: modules.huawei.device: Huawei Modbus-ID: 1
2022-11-27 13:33:31: PID: 2370: modules.huawei.device: Huawei IP-Adresse:
2022-11-27 13:33:25: PID: 21193: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0) at 61 cleanup /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:25: PID: 21193: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 14 seconds (LV0) at 60 cleanup /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:25: PID: 21193: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0) at 59 cleanup /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:25: PID: 21193: Timing Umschaltung: 240 / 720 (LV1) at 17 u1p3pswitch
2022-11-27 13:33:25: PID: 21193: automatische Umschaltung aktiv (LV1) at 16 u1p3pswitch
2022-11-27 13:33:25: PID: 21193: Zeit zum abfragen aller Werte 13 Sekunden (LV1) at 176 main /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:24: PID: 21193: chargestatlp1 0 chargestatlp2 0 chargestatlp3 0 (LV1) at 1300 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:24: PID: 21193: plugstatlp1 1 plugstatlp2 0 plugstatlp3 0 (LV1) at 1299 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:24: PID: 21193: lp1enabled 1 lp2enabled 1 lp3enabled 1 (LV1) at 1298 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:24: PID: 21193: EVU 1:V/0A 2: V/-0A 3: V/-0A (LV1) at 1297 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:24: PID: 21193: lla3 0 llv3 236.8 llas13  llas23  soclp1 40 soclp2  (LV1) at 1296 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:24: PID: 21193: lla2 0 llv2 237.0 llas12  llas22  sofortll 32 hausverbrauch 519 wattbezug 3 uberschuss -3 (LV1) at 1295 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:24: PID: 21193: lla1 0 llv1 236.5 llas11  llas21  mindestuberschuss 1000 abschaltuberschuss 5 lademodus 2 (LV1) at 1294 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:24: PID: 21193: pv1watt -516 pv2watt  pvwatt -516 ladeleistung 0 llalt 0 nachtladen 0 nachtladen 0 minimalA 6 maximalA 32 (LV1) at 1293 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:23: PID: 2370: legacy run server: Completed running command in 10.28s: ["modules.huawei.device","","1","True","False"]
2022-11-27 13:33:23: PID: 2370: Saving InverterState(power=-516, exported=41736520.16164037, currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
2022-11-27 13:33:23: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._simcount: simcount Zwischenergebnisse aktuelle Berechnung: Import: 880528510 Export: 150251472581.90533 Leistung: -516
2022-11-27 13:33:23: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._simcount: simcount Ergebnis: Bezug[Wh]: 244591.2527777778, Einspeisung[Wh]: 41736520.16164037
2022-11-27 13:33:23: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._simcount: simcount aufsummierte Energie: Bezug[Ws]: 880528510, Einspeisung[Ws]: 150251472581.90533
2022-11-27 13:33:23: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._calculate: power did not change sign. Total energy: -40199.9
2022-11-27 13:33:23: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._calculate: time passed: 81.3763, power1: -472, power2: -516
2022-11-27 13:33:23: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._simcount: simcount Zwischenergebnisse letzte Berechnung: Import: 880528510 Export: 150251432382 Leistung: -472
2022-11-27 13:33:23: PID: 2370: modules.huawei.device: components to read: ['inverter', 'counter']
2022-11-27 13:33:23: PID: 2370: legacy run server: Received command ["modules.huawei.device","","1","True","False"]
2022-11-27 13:33:22: PID: 22395: **** Regulation loop start **** (LV1) at 70 main /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:22: PID: 2370: soc.modules.common.component_context: Update Komponente ['Huawei Wechselrichter']
2022-11-27 13:33:21: PID: 2370: Saving CounterState(voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0], frequency=50, power=3, powers=[80.5, -78.2, -85.1], power_factors=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], exported=2377349323.642778, imported=2202983.2200724524, currents=[0.35, -0.34, -0.37])
2022-11-27 13:33:21: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._simcount: simcount Zwischenergebnisse aktuelle Berechnung: Import: 7930739592.260828 Export: 8558457565114 Leistung: 3
2022-11-27 13:33:21: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._simcount: simcount Ergebnis: Bezug[Wh]: 2202983.2200724524, Einspeisung[Wh]: 2377349323.642778
2022-11-27 13:33:21: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._simcount: simcount aufsummierte Energie: Bezug[Ws]: 7930739592.260828, Einspeisung[Ws]: 8558457565114
2022-11-27 13:33:21: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._calculate: power did not change sign. Total energy: 1088.26
2022-11-27 13:33:21: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._calculate: time passed: 80.6119, power1: 24, power2: 3
2022-11-27 13:33:21: PID: 2370: modules.common.simcount._simcount: simcount Zwischenergebnisse letzte Berechnung: Import: 7930738504 Export: 8558457565114 Leistung: 24
2022-11-27 13:33:20: PID: 2370: soc.modules.common.component_context: Update Komponente ['Huawei Zähler']
2022-11-27 13:33:20: PID: 2370: modules.huawei.device: Start device reading {'componentcounter': <modules.huawei.counter.HuaweiCounter object at 0x7457a450>, 'componentinverter': <modules.huawei.inverter.HuaweiInverter object at 0x74412f70>}
2022-11-27 13:33:20: PID: 2370: modules.huawei.device: Huawei Modbus-ID: 1
2022-11-27 13:33:20: PID: 2370: modules.huawei.device: Huawei IP-Adresse:
2022-11-27 13:33:19: PID: 19281: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0) at 61 cleanup /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:19: PID: 19281: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 17 seconds (LV0) at 60 cleanup /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:19: PID: 19281: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0) at 59 cleanup /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:18: PID: 19281: Timing Umschaltung: 240 / 720 (LV1) at 17 u1p3pswitch
2022-11-27 13:33:18: PID: 19281: automatische Umschaltung aktiv (LV1) at 16 u1p3pswitch
2022-11-27 13:33:18: PID: 19281: Zeit zum abfragen aller Werte 16 Sekunden (LV1) at 176 main /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:17: PID: 19281: chargestatlp1 0 chargestatlp2 0 chargestatlp3 0 (LV1) at 1300 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:17: PID: 19281: plugstatlp1 1 plugstatlp2 0 plugstatlp3 0 (LV1) at 1299 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:17: PID: 19281: lp1enabled 1 lp2enabled 1 lp3enabled 1 (LV1) at 1298 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:17: PID: 19281: EVU 1:V/0A 2: V/0A 3: V/0A (LV1) at 1297 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:17: PID: 19281: lla3 0 llv3 236.9 llas13  llas23  soclp1 40 soclp2  (LV1) at 1296 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:17: PID: 19281: lla2 0 llv2 236.9 llas12  llas22  sofortll 32 hausverbrauch 496 wattbezug 24 uberschuss -24 (LV1) at 1295 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:17: PID: 19281: lla1 0 llv1 236.6 llas11  llas21  mindestuberschuss 1000 abschaltuberschuss 5 lademodus 2 (LV1) at 1294 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:17: PID: 19281: pv1watt -472 pv2watt  pvwatt -472 ladeleistung 0 llalt 0 nachtladen 0 nachtladen 0 minimalA 6 maximalA 32 (LV1) at 1293 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:16: PID: 2370: legacy run server: Completed running command in 13.31s: ["modules.huawei.device","","1","True","False"]

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('TCP-Client konnte keine Verbindung zu aufbauen. Bitte Einstellungen (IP-Adresse, ..) und Hardware-Anschluss prüfen.', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
" aufbauen. Bitte Einstellungen (IP-Adresse, ..) und " + "Hardware-Anschluss prüfen.") from e
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/", line 93, in __read_registers
self.delegate.read_holding_registers, address, types, byteorder, wordorder, **kwargs
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/", line 119, in read_holding_registers
power = self.__tcp_client.read_holding_registers(32064, ModbusDataType.INT_32, unit=self.__modbus_id) * -1
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/huawei/", line 32, in update
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/huawei/", line 67, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

pymodbus.exceptions.ConnectionException: Modbus Error: [Connection] Failed to connect[ModbusTcpClient(]
raise ConnectionException("Failed to connect[%s]" % (self.__str__()))
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pymodbus/client/", line 107, in execute
return self.execute(request)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pymodbus/client/", line 114, in read_holding_registers
address, number_of_addresses, **kwargs)
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/", line 83, in __read_registers
Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-11-27 13:33:16: PID: 2370: soc.modules.common.fault_state: Huawei Wechselrichter: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr TCP-Client konnte keine Verbindung zu aufbauen. Bitte Einstellungen (IP-Adresse, ..) und Hardware-Anschluss prüfen., Traceback:
2022-11-27 13:33:16: PID: 2370: pymodbus.client.sync: Connection to (, 502) failed: timed out
2022-11-27 13:33:13: PID: 2370: soc.modules.common.component_context: Update Komponente ['Huawei Wechselrichter']

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.modbus <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ('modules.common.modbus Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected at least 8 bytes (0 received)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
str(e)) from e
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/", line 101, in __read_registers
self.delegate.read_holding_registers, address, types, byteorder, wordorder, **kwargs
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/", line 119, in read_holding_registers
power = self.__tcp_client.read_holding_registers(37113, ModbusDataType.INT_32, unit=self.__modbus_id) * -1
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/huawei/", line 32, in update
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/huawei/", line 67, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.modbus Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected at least 8 bytes (0 received)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(response))
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/", line 85, in __read_registers
Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-11-27 13:33:13: PID: 2370: soc.modules.common.fault_state: Huawei Zähler: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.modbus <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ('modules.common.modbus Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected at least 8 bytes (0 received)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback:
2022-11-27 13:33:13: PID: 2370: modules.huawei.device: components to read: ['inverter', 'counter']
2022-11-27 13:33:12: PID: 2370: legacy run server: Received command ["modules.huawei.device","","1","True","False"]
2022-11-27 13:33:12: PID: 21193: **** Regulation loop start **** (LV1) at 70 main /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:10: PID: 2370: soc.modules.common.component_context: Update Komponente ['Huawei Zähler']
2022-11-27 13:33:10: PID: 2370: modules.huawei.device: Start device reading {'componentcounter': <modules.huawei.counter.HuaweiCounter object at 0x744246f0>, 'componentinverter': <modules.huawei.inverter.HuaweiInverter object at 0x74424b50>}
2022-11-27 13:33:10: PID: 2370: modules.huawei.device: Huawei Modbus-ID: 1
2022-11-27 13:33:10: PID: 2370: modules.huawei.device: Huawei IP-Adresse:
2022-11-27 13:33:09: PID: 18216: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0) at 61 cleanup /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:09: PID: 18216: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 17 seconds (LV0) at 60 cleanup /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:09: PID: 18216: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0) at 59 cleanup /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:09: PID: 18216: Überschuss -24; mindestens 1000 (LV1) at 104 nurpvlademodus
2022-11-27 13:33:09: PID: 18216: uberschuss -24 wattbezug 24 ladestatus 0 llsoll 0 pvwatt -472 mindestuberschussphasen 1000 wattkombiniert -24 schaltschwelle -25 (LV2) at 576 main /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:09: PID: 18216: anzahlphasen 1 (LV1) at 575 main /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:08: PID: 18216: Timing Umschaltung: 240 / 720 (LV1) at 17 u1p3pswitch
2022-11-27 13:33:08: PID: 18216: automatische Umschaltung aktiv (LV1) at 16 u1p3pswitch
2022-11-27 13:33:08: PID: 18216: Zeit zum abfragen aller Werte 16 Sekunden (LV1) at 176 main /var/www/html/openWB/
2022-11-27 13:33:07: PID: 18216: chargestatlp1 0 chargestatlp2 0 chargestatlp3 0 (LV1) at 1300 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:07: PID: 18216: plugstatlp1 1 plugstatlp2 0 plugstatlp3 0 (LV1) at 1299 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:07: PID: 18216: lp1enabled 1 lp2enabled 1 lp3enabled 1 (LV1) at 1298 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:07: PID: 18216: EVU 1:V/0A 2: V/0A 3: V/0A (LV1) at 1297 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:07: PID: 18216: lla3 0 llv3 237.0 llas13  llas23  soclp1 40 soclp2  (LV1) at 1296 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:07: PID: 18216: lla2 0 llv2 236.9 llas12  llas22  sofortll 32 hausverbrauch 496 wattbezug 24 uberschuss -24 (LV1) at 1295 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:07: PID: 18216: lla1 0 llv1 236.6 llas11  llas21  mindestuberschuss 1000 abschaltuberschuss 5 lademodus 2 (LV1) at 1294 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:07: PID: 18216: pv1watt -472 pv2watt  pvwatt -472 ladeleistung 0 llalt 0 nachtladen 0 nachtladen 0 minimalA 6 maximalA 32 (LV1) at 1293 loadvars
2022-11-27 13:33:06: PID: 2370: legacy run server: Completed running command in 13.33s: ["modules.huawei.device","1
jemand eine Idee?